Thursday, November 12, 2009

UN Summit Seeks End to World Hunger

By some estimates, more than one billion people every day do not get enough food to eat.  Many of these hungry people are also facing the distress of poverty, war and violence, and lack of a secure food supply.  It's these issues the World Summit on Food Security will tackle while meeting in Rome November 16 through 18.

On the agenda are new strategies for fighting the constant hunger that affects one in six people around the world include innovations in agriculture, developing ways to force nations to honor commitments made to ending global hunger, and coping with the current worldwide economic crisis and its effect on the global food supply and its distribution.

The United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization says $44 billion is needed each year in coming decades in order to meet the UN deadline of 2025 for completely eradicating global hunger.

At least 60 leaders from countries around the world will attend the summit, including Pope Benedict XVI.

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